Regular Events
Post Office
The Post Office is open Tuesdays between 9:00am – 1:00pm including the Wetwang Tuesday morning Meeting point
Meeting Point
At a loose end on Tuesday morning? Then come along to the meeting room where you will be made welcome. Tea/coffee and biscuits., bacon sandwiches available. 10am – 12noon.
Table Tennis
Tuesday mornings from 10am to 12noon, £3 per session, everyone welcome.
Parish Council Meetings
The Parish council meets every first Monday of the month except Bank Holidays when it is held a week later, or unless advertised differently. The meeting is held in the Neville Goodwin Room at the Village Hall from 7:30pm. The first 15 minutes of each meeting is dedicated to a Public Forum where residents from the village are welcome to come and air their views, concerns, ideas or complaints.
Karate Classes
Karate classes are held every Thursday between 6:00pm – 7:30pm and every Tuesday between 7:00pm and 8:30pm Contact Karen at
Short Mat Bowls
Short mat bowls will be played, through autumn and winter, every Friday evening at 6pm in the Village Hall. All equipment and how to play will be provided. All you need are flat clean shoes to change into at the hall. This keeps the mats clean and free from outside dirt. Cost is £4 and the session will last around 2 hours. There are lots of benefits with short mat bowls. The game is good for your mental and physical health. It can improve the strength of the muscles in your arms, shoulders and legs whilst providing gentle exercise. It is also mentally stimulating as each end will throw up its own challenges and problems which you need to solve. There’s also a social aspect – if you play regularly, you can make lots of new friends. Come along and have a go.
Wolds Spinners
The Wolds Spinners are a social spinning group who meet every second Tuesday of the month between 1:30pm – 4:00pm. Bring your spinning wheel and spindles, make yarn and chat with like-minded company. You’ll be made welcome, just turn up.
Every Wednesday evening 6pm-7pm and 7pm -8pm. £8 per session. Contact Laura on 07814048011 to book your place.